Do you trust yourself? Have you ever found yourself falling into the trap o taking someone else's advice over your intuition? I've done it myself, countless times. I thought I would finally figure out my parenting skills, health, wellness, diet, work life balance (the list goes on) when I read this new book, listen to this new podcast, or join this online program.
All of these education channels are great, and I'm in no way discounting their effectiveness. But, it's important to watch yourself in these instances. Make sure you are seeking your answers using your intuition and personal experience. You know what you need, you know what you will thrive with, and you know what step to take next. It's inside of you.
Try taking time everyday to be mindful and present. Stop and and take note of what goes through your head on a daily basis? The stream of constant words that speed through your mind without any effort? You have a voice that you speak to yourself with, and it's so familiar to you, Make sure that this voice is beneficial and not damaging.
So, how do you speak to yourself? What does that voice sound like? Is that voice kind or harsh? Are your thoughts encouraging or demeaning? Do you speak to yourself in a way that you'd be offended by if someone else spoke to you using the same words?
if you let go and trust this voice and your inner thoughts, you will be surprised how your life unfolds and changes for the better. Your thoughts are full of power, and it's crucial to strive to be aware of them. Spend today really listening to the thoughts streaming through your mind and what themes you notice. Take note of the tone you hear and the messages that you are giving yourself... Trust this voice and stream of consciousness.
Your thoughts affect your actions and your health, so be mindful of stopping any negative self-talk and replacing it with healthy communication. You deserve it!
#healthyliving #trustyouself #holisticliving